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Adam Ruehmer, Marketing Manager Linkin Park Akan "Keluar"

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Adam Ruehmer, yang bekerja selama 5 setengah tahun untuk Linkin Park sebagai posisi manager marketing Linkin Park, manager LP Underground, dan juga Machine Shop. Pada 11 Juni nanti, Adam resmi "keluar" meninggalkan posisi-posisi itu. Alasannya untuk perjalanan karir. Adam akan bekerja di Interactive Marketing Department di Warner Bros Records. Yang seperti dikatakan diblognya, tentunya ini tidak jauh dari Linkin Park. Berikut adalah potongan pernyataannya :

I was planning on waiting another week or so to post this, but word is starting to get out and I wanted you guys to hear this from me, not someone else…

This week, I had to break some news to the band, my colleagues and other partners I’ve worked with over the years. Telling you, the Linkin Park fanbase, is by far the hardest.

My last day working for Linkin Park/LPU/Machine Shop will be June 11, exactly 5 years and 4 months after I started.

The last 5 ½ years have been more incredible than I ever could have imagined they would be. My role was one that didn’t actually exist prior, and one I kind of made up along the way. I didn’t start interacting with fans because I was told to. I did it because I honestly cared about what you had to say. Going in the chat room and message boards became a daily task, and one I enjoyed immensely. As my role grew, I had the opportunity to go on tour and meet thousands of you all around the world. Being able to spend time with so many of you at summits, meet & greets and just hanging out at shows was a privilege and easily the highlight of my time with Linkin Park.

You’ve all been so kind to me and you’ve allowed me into your world that only few “outsiders” have really seen. I truly know what it is to be a Linkin Park fan.

I’m sure many are wondering why I’m leaving. Simply, it’s time. My life has gone through some major changes already in 2013, and I came to the conclusion that it was time for a change in my career as well. After 5 ½ years, I’ve accomplished more than I ever thought I would when I began. I’m ready for a new challenge in my life.

I have accepted a position not far from the Linkin Park family. I will be working in the Interactive Marketing Department at Warner Bros. Records. Linkin Park will actually be on my roster of artists, so I will be able to continue working with them in different role.


Kamu bisa melihat selengakpnya DI SINI.

To Adam Ruehmer : We as one of a fansbase Linkin Park, LINKIN PARK FANS INONESIA. We want to say thank you for the hard work and services that have been provided to all the fans around the world. And congratulations on the new job and positions.

Best Regards
-Linkin Park Fans Indonesia

Jika kamu ingin mengucapkan salam terima kasih kepada Adam LPA, LPLive, LPFanCorner dan Mike Shinoda Clan telah bekerja sama untuk, membuat online scrapbook. Kamu bisa melihat scrapbook-nya di dan kirim sebuah pesan, gambar, ucapan terima kasih, dll DI SINI!

Adam Ruehmer, Marketing Manager Linkin Park Akan "Keluar" Adam Ruehmer, Marketing Manager Linkin Park Akan "Keluar" Reviewed by Adelia on 9:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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