Linkin Park Merayakan 15 Tahun Hybrid Theory
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Untuk merayakan 15 tahun album Hybrid Theory Linkin Park bekerja sama dengan 6 brand streetwear favorit mereka untuk membuat limited-edition apparel yang terinspirasi dari artwork Hybrid Theory. Brand tersebut adalah The Hundreds, The Seventh Letter, Brooklyn Projects, A Bathing Ape, CLOT, dan RVCA. Masing-masing brand memiliki tanggal rilis apparel, yaitu :
11.03.15 A Bathing Ape v Linkin Park
11.05.15 CLOT v Linkin Park
11.10.15 The Hundreds v Linkin Park
11.12.15 The Seventh Letter v Linkin Park
11.17.15 Brooklyn Projects v Linkin Park
11.19.15 RVCA v Linkin Park
Legendary Streetwear Brands Celebrate Linkin Park’s 15-Year Anniversary With “X vs. LP” Collaborative Apparel Collection
“XVLP” refers not only to the Roman numeral “XV,” but also the idea of “brand X versus LP.” For XVLP, Linkin Park has teamed with an all-star roster of art / streetwear / culture icons—BAPE/A BATHING APE , Brooklyn Projects, The Seventh Letter, CLOT, The Hundreds, and RVCA—to re-imagine and re-interpret the classic artwork of the band’s debut album Hybrid Theory to create modern, limited-edition apparel pieces. All pieces, limited in availability, are sure to be collector’s items for every fanbase involved.
Find out more at
Berikut adalah kutipan interview Mike dan Joe di Complex Mag :
Sebelum interview di atas, Mike dan Joe juga membicarakan 15 tahun Hybrid Theory :
Apakah kamu tertarik membeli apparel yang akan dibuat?
Linkin Park Merayakan 15 Tahun Hybrid Theory
Reviewed by Adelia
10:00:00 AM

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