LPU XIV Telah Diluncurkan! Detail Membership & Tracklist
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Tahun ke 14 dari official fans club Linkin Park, LP Underground XIV telah diluncurkan dan sudah dapat dibeli online oleh semua orang. Perlu diketahui, bahwa website LPUnderground.com kini telah menyatu dengan LinkinPark.com, namun para member LPU mempunyai tempat tersendiri di sana.
Berikut adalah tracklist dari LPU XIV CD, sebagian besar adalah demo yang belum kita dengar sebelumnya :
- Aubrey One (2009 Demo) - 03:51
- Malathion+Tritonus (2008 Berlin Demo) 05:18
- Berlin One, Version C (2009 Demo) 02:50
- Blanka (2008 Demo) 02:33
- Heartburn (2007 Demo) 01:46
- Breaking The Habit (Original Mike 2002 Demo) 03:20
- Dave Sbeat feat.Joe (2009) 00:42
- Froctagon (2009 Demo) 03:39
- Rhinocerous (2002 Demo) 03:35
- After Canada (2005 Demo) 04:14
Dan berikut adalah detail membership LPU XIV :
$50 – LPU XIV Bundle
- 1 Year membership with all the digital benefits (see digital benefits above)
- Welcome Letter from Chester
- Laminate + Lanyard
- T-Shirt
- James Jean illustration Sticker Sheet
- LPU Bracelet
- Guitar Pick
LPUXIV + Music - $25
- A Physical or Digital Download of the LPU XIV CD
- 1 Year membership with all the digital benefits
LPUXIV Digital Membership - $20
- 1 Year membership to the LPU
- Direct Message other members
- Write your own LPU Blog
- Write in the LPU Only Forum Topics
- Pre-Sale tickets Opportunities
- Meet & Greet Opportunities
- Band and Crew Chats
- Access to Exclusive Music
- Access to Exclusive Events
- Access to LPU Summit Passes
- Monthly Giveaways
- LPU Auctions
- LPU-TV Exclusives
- LPTV Downloadable Episode
LPUXIV Non-Member Account - Free*
- Create your own LinkinPark.com profile
- Meet and interact with other Linkin Park fans
- Post on the official Linkin Park forum
- Comment on posts and content
- Watch all LPTV episodes in the LPTV Theater
- Collect Social Points by staying active in the community
*Free account tidak akan mendapat benefit membership LPU
Selain itu, ada paket yang berisi merchandise LPU XIV tidak termmasuk membership
LPU XIV Merchandise Package - $35.00
-LPU XIV T-Shirt
-LPU XIV Laminate + Lanyard
-LPU XIV James Jean illustration Sticker Sheet
-LPU Bracelet
-Welcome Letter from Chester
-Guitar Pick
Bagaimana menurutmu, tertarik untuk bergabung?
LPU XIV Telah Diluncurkan! Detail Membership & Tracklist
Reviewed by Adelia
12:38:00 PM

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